The first glimpse I had when I went for getting admission with my father. We went as directed, went till the beach, and saw there was a gate with the words "NITK BEACH" written on top. My heart swelled with pride at the words. Its my college now, and its MY beach, my very own... But the gate was locked, and as my father did not allow me to climb the gate at that moment, my first meeting with her was still to come.. But I could see the golden sand, and the blue-green sea stretching out to infinity, reaching the horizon, and the ships in the distance... That was all it took for me to love her for life..
Next was within the first 2-3 days of starting college, that a I and group of friends decided to go meet her. She seemed to be glad to see me, and came eagerly all lively and cheerful to wet my feet.. :) Gradually from there to hands to the whole body, in no time I was playing with her, not caring about the state I was in. :) That was the beginning of our bonding, and 2 years later, I still miss her like crazy. From this day onwards then on it was a regular meeting, a few days without going, and I would start missing her, feeling sad for no reason.. One visit would bring back the smile.. :)
I used to go in the mornings, afternoon, evenings, any time possible. Blazing sun, heat, no shade, did not diminish my enthusiasm. Used to love every get up of hers, every mood... The calm one, with soft white waves on the golden sand, blue sea, clear skies with white clouds. with gentle breeze blowing through the green leaves.. The stormy one, high winds, huge waves crashing upon the shore and the stones, the sky with ominous clouds, about to break into drenching showers, the leaves fluttering in the wind as if they want to just fly far far away.. There is a rebel instinct that is brought out, the trees bearing testimony to that, seeming to strain against the chains holding them to the ground. This is her terrible beautiful deck up. She also reverts to fits of glooms in between... Gray sky, gray waters, the whole atmosphere drenched in a dreary gray color. It gave rise to empathy and the smile faltered.
At night, she was glamorous, with the moon shining on the top, giving her a soft silver shimmer in the velvety black darkness. The horizon marked with rows of ships, all lighted up. The soft sound of the waves lapping on the tired beach..
Hours I have spent, with her, or with other friends along with her.. Laughing, playing, crying... She has seen every emotion of mine, and been there for me.. Waiting to get back to her, to see her one more time..
My dream remains, a glass house on the beach, to remain near her for ever, seeing her always.. :) And always, it will remain a dream..